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Actuators, Drivers and Electronic Modules

You have found the page for Sensors and Actuators which is a 5 ects course for ROB3.

The course is new as of 2019, so the course may be adapted and modified during fall 2019.

See here for the formal studyboard description.

We are:

  • Jens Dalsgaard Nielsen, Automation and Control, primarily on the SW, HW parts

  • Jan D Bendtsen, Automation and Control, primarily ond on signals, systems, sampling theory etc

See Automation and Control for more information about our section.

About the course

We are to obtain skills at HW, SW and signal analysis and processing levels to be used as a step stone for your project work.

Tentative lecture plan by Jan and Jens

See here

See studyboard CV for more formal information.